James M.


Name: James M.

Started with IOB: August of 2019 at age 16

IOB Resume: Foundation Workshops, Digital Academy, 1:1 Mentoring, Brilliant Breakfast Club, Sandbox

Passion/ SpIn: T-Shirt Design, Adaptive Sports, Animals


It all started with a high school digital design class. James immediately took to the subject matter and enjoyed having the opportunity to learn something new and different. He discovered a newfound sense of independence as well.

His mom and dad could see that design was something James liked. But even more importantly, it was something they could see playing a significant role in his future. 

When the semester was up, they didn't know when James would get another chance to further explore his creativity and build his design skills. That is until Mom and Dad were watching the local news and saw a story about Summerfest partnering with a local organization called Islands of Brilliance to create a t-shirt design.

"I'm calling tomorrow," his mom, Cheryl, said. And the rest is history. Wonderful and inspiring history.

Over the last 4+ years, James has enrolled in just about every IOB program and workshop. As a Digital Academy student, he was an active team member in the Builder's Paradise cohort and got to learn coding and design skills. In Foundation Workshops, James gets to enjoy his love of art. In Brilliant Breakfast Club, he's seen a big boost in his social skills and attitude. In Sandbox’s casual environment, he continues to challenge himself by applying the many skills he has learned through the years to the daily drawing challenges.  Staff are constantly sharing “James” stories of how he has become a role model to some of the younger students.

Cheryl believes what makes IOB different and so important is the relationship the staff and mentors have with the students."It's beautiful how everyone is treated, talked to, and supported. If I happen to be in the room and hear the conversation, the students are being talked to with respect. There isn't a doubt that they can't be successful." 

Next Adventure: College

It's this type of support that has not only helped James but his parents too. They had so much confidence knowing that James was ready for his next adventure–going to college.

James loves that IOB is supporting him along the way too. He's excited to be splitting time between UWM and WCTC and knows he's got what it takes to succeed. "They are teaching me something that I can use in college like design skills. But I've also learned about teamwork, professional behavior, and how to be an advocate for myself." 

James talks about what Islands of Brilliance means to him.

Over time, James has been able to experience new interests and activities that have helped him become the wonderful young man he is today. He sings and acts! And he's active in several adaptive sports. Cheryl calls him "James of all trades."

James knows he has the opportunity to help other people too and to brighten their day. He uses his art and creativity to show people what he's capable of and what he enjoys. But more importantly, he understands that his art can serve as an inspiration to others. 

As Cheryl simply states, "This is just a part of who he is and I'm so proud of him."

One of the projects James is most proud of is the bicycle jersey he designed during the Fall 2020 Digital Academy project. IOB partnered together with Milwaukee-based Serpentijn Art & Athletics for a one-hour workshop that gave students the opportunity to create a jersey that would be worn during the 2021 cycling season by the Snakebite AC Team. 

During the project, James learned that different colors have different meanings and intentions. He did his own color research, played around with different color pairings, and manipulated patterns. James's jersey which combined purple (royalty) and green (Earth) was selected as the winner. Remember, students had just one hour to create. James developed 12 original designs. Yes. 12!

James continues to develop his design skills through pretty much every program IOB offers.  We are seeing exponential growth both in his creative process and the quality of his work. He has mastered the software tools to the point that he is truly focused on the creative work and his skill and creativity are shining through.

Artwork created by James in IOB Workshops


Shayne M.