Islands of Brilliance (IOB) is a learning experience developed specifically for neurodivergent children and young adults. Our vision is change the way society views neurodiverse individuals.
Our Mission
By using creativity, technology, and mentorship, we are positively changing perceptions of self and promoting broader community views of neurodivergent individuals as people with unlimited abilities rather than persons with disabilities.
Our Values
We Means We
No one is responsible for Islands of Brilliance. Everyone is. Islands of Brilliance is a celebration of interconnectedness. It is the energy of a thousand people—students, families, volunteers, funders, staff. It is diverse, it is dynamic, and it is a testament to embracing difference.
Learning is Forever
None of us ever “age out” of learning. We must be constantly curious, quietly restless, and always willing to admit and accept that we don’t know what we don’t know. This is the same for the students we serve. It’s true: we’re not that different.
We Fly a Creative Flag
And the beauty of it is, not one of them looks alike. We encourage exploration—no, we demand it! Go as far as you can and tell us the wondrous things you found there. When all of our multi-colored flags return and are in the same room together, it’s one of the most unifying moments we experience.
You Can’t Automate Empathy
We are who we are because we take the time to listen and understand. Sure, there are easier ways to do student intake or educate young minds. That’s what everyone else does. Our high touch approach is precisely what makes us different and beloved. Because even if a parent doesn’t end up signing their son or daughter up for a workshop, they walk away from that initial interaction thinking “boy, IOB took a lot of time and care to understand me.”
Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable
Now more than ever, ambiguity will be our constant companion. But that’s okay, because we have each other. Let’s put our arm around ambiguity’s shoulder. “Hey ambiguity, welcome. You’re giving us an opportunity to grow in ways we never knew possible. Thank you for that.”
We Ship
Steve Jobs said “real artists ship”. Business author Seth Godin coined the phrase “shipping the work” to describe overcoming the fear of “this might not work” and other limiting beliefs. We ship because we understand that good is good enough, and that we won’t learn anything until we see how our community engages with it. We are innovators, we are quick to market, we observe, we make it better. It’s one of our strengths.
It's in the Experience
Our collective experience helps us create the best learning experience our students may ever know. We know that people come first, and base all of our decisions, projects, and outcomes on a person-centered approach. This forces us to push and stretch ourselves at times. It also provides us with a constant flow of fresh juice.
Today We Climb Again
Every day is a new day, a new adventure, another chance to be amazed. Pack only what you need, and leave the rest behind. Make sure to breathe, be in the now, and be thankful for what we’ll get to see. Let’s all agree to laugh, celebrate, and cry together. We won’t be passing this way again.
Take Good Care of Yourself
Each of us has an internal gyroscope. It’s your circle of family and close friends, your hobbies, your activities, your interests, your go to places that keep you sane. Cultivate those. Take time for those. We are doing important work, and we need the best you. The best you is a healthy, happy, whole you.
Be Brilliant
We are so lucky to do this important work. You may say we have been chosen. It’s a big responsibility. A community has given us their trust. Students share their wonder with us. They deserve our best.