Rich G.
Name: Rich G.
Started with IOB: October 2019 at the age of 27
IOB Resume: Foundation Photoshop and Illustrator; Doodle Lounge; Brilliant Breakfast Club; Sandbox
Passion/ SpIn: Superheros, zebras, and dogs
Rich with the zebras at the Milwaukee County Zoo.
If there was a word to describe IOB student, Rich, it would be "passionate." His interests range from drawing and painting, to superheroes and animals (zebras and dogs rank top on his list). Lucky for us, we've been able to witness Rich take his love for these areas and use them as inspiration in the projects he creates. The best part? These projects just keep getting better and better with every IOB workshop.
His mentor, Sean Donnelly, has seen the transformation and growth in Rich too–both in his technical and social skills.
"Rich's software skills expand with every session--he's now mastered tools and techniques introduced in earlier classes. It's been amazing watching him come out of his shell, going from a very quiet, shy young man to one whose smile lights up our (virtual) room as he tells he's doing, 'super swell'."
The mentor support he receives as well as the friendships he's developed are just two of the reasons Rich loves IOB. Having the additional support and encouragement from this unique community is something his mom, Sandra, also loves.
"Rich has the freedom of choice and is empowered to share his thoughts."
Whether it's during a Doodle Lounge session or a Foundation workshop, we know it's going to be a great time when we see Rich's face pop up on the screen.
Artwork created by Rich in IOB Workshops
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