The Notebook
Welcome to The Notebook – Islands of Brilliance's little corner of the internet where we share resources, recommendations, updates, and other helpful information for our families and community to leverage and enjoy.
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Expect Brilliance
New students are often surprised by the welcoming community that they find in a Foundation Workshop. What is it like to start at Islands of Brilliance?
Words Matter
As Co-Founder and Chief Education Officer, Margaret Fairbanks explains how autism is defined. It comes down to defining “difference” and “difficulty.” “Words matter. And the words we have used throughout the years to diagnose and describe autism have been changing almost as quickly as the prevalence rate.”
Becoming a “Mom-forcer”
Last night was such a powerful conversation. Thank you for being there for each other, for trusting each other, and for being vulnerable with each other. As one parent shared with me this morning, “It was so good to hear how fierce these moms are and also hear their struggles!” If there was ever a conversation that embodied the saying, “We’re all in this together,” it was last night.